Winter 2015


burning candles in a row

The Day of the Little Candles is a celebration that occurs every year on December 7 in Colombia. Colombians all around the country celebrate this tradition within the Catholic faith commemorating the occasion of the Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ, and Virgin Mary, occurring the following day. On this day, Catholics honour the occasion of Archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she was the chosen one and was to be the mother of Jesus. In celebration of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th is a national holiday in Colombia.

During the night, families and friends gather. Each person lights 7 little candles to give thanks for all good things and for the new wishes for the new year. Typical dishes and desserts are shared; additionally, there are a lot plans and activities for the families since most Colombians would be out enjoying the night. Many streets are closed to traffic and allow pedestrians to walk freely and stop to admire the light arrangements. Important places like malls, stores, and other public places have extended hours of operation.