Winter 2015


Ottawa city skyline at sunrise in the morning over river with urban historical buildings

It’s been almost 5 years since I moved to Canada. It is the second place where I have lived that long other than my hometown, so I would definitely say that Canada, especially Ottawa, is my second country.

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to living in Canada. Based on my personal experience, I’d like to divide it into three sectors. Living, working and recreation.

Living: Canada is the second largest country in the world with a wide range of both meteorological and geological regions. Ottawa, the place where I live is the capital city of Canada. It has four distinct seasons, summers are warm and winters are snowy and icy. So you can take full advantage of the natural resources by doing a lot of outdoor activities. Also, many people come to Canada to study or work; it’s natural that you get the chance to experience various cultures and meet people from different countries and backgrounds. It’s a good opportunity to expand your horizons and to embrace various possibilities that come in your life.

Recreation: Canada is famous for its rich natural resources. If you are outdoorsy, you will definitely have a blast with a variety of outdoor activities here. In summer, you can go hiking, swimming, camping, paddle boarding, rafting, etc. In winter, sports like downhill skiing, cross-country skiing and snow hiking will keep you warm and energetic. The sports vibe in Canada is so good, and it’s easy to get yourself physically active with like-minded friends.

Working: Unlike the hierarchical culture in Asian countries, Canadian workplaces are egalitarian, where all people are equally important and should have the same rights and opportunities in the workplace. I personally have both working experience in my home country and Canada, and I would say the work-life balance is better in Canada because you can expect to work normal business hours and receive competitive salaries, benefits and vacation days. Depending on the job and industry you work in, some companies also offer remote work or flexible hours.

To me, it’s an exciting new adventure to live and work in Canada. And I’m eager to explore more and more.