Winter 2015


Instagram application icon on Phone

Instagram has become a platform for sharing moments, connecting with others, and exploring creative content, which is one of the small parts of social media. Today I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Instagram.

Instagram offers a lot of advantages, including sharing your memories, learning different types of languages, having role models, etc. Nowadays the main reason that people are using Instagram is sharing their status of life and showing it to their family and friends. Sharing memories and saving them is really good, for example: you are going on a trip and you are sharing your memories and pictures with your followers. Another good reason is it helps everyone with their style. Everyone has role models in Instagram that they like the way that they dress and their outfits. It just gives them ideas and makes their life easy. You can find a lot of friends from Instagram and find people similar to yourself that you can communicate easily with them. Watching reels and videos makes you listen to different types of languages, especially English. These are some advantages of Instagram, that I discussed a little bit about.

Now this is so obvious that if something has advantages you can find disadvantages too. While Instagram has its perks, it is really important to know about some pressure for perfection that can be put on you. When you go on the Instagram app everyone looks so perfect, because nobody shows their sadness on Instagram they just share their happy times in their life. That’s why you have to be careful. Sometimes it can have an effect on your life such as jealousy and comparing your lifestyle with other people. Sometimes everything is fake and people are just doing some stuff because of followers. You should not put your whole life on Instagram and share everything with people because you have to accept their positive comments and negative.

By the way, everything has advantages and disadvantages. As I think you cannot judge people from their pictures. Most of the humans are not taking pictures of their sadness and crying. What is your opinion about Instagram and do you want to be a blogger and if you want to what type?