Winter 2015


Child eating pasta with vegetables

One day, my son and I went to my working place. He came with me because nobody could take care of him at home. His mom had gone to her office earlier. That's why he came with me.

My son always wakes up late in the morning. When I was coming for my shift, he woke up and I brought some food for him because he hadn't eaten breakfast at home. At my restaurant, I said to him, "You have to finish breakfast by yourself." And he said yes. Then I started work. Our restaurant was busy, and I didn't watch the time. But when I saw the time, it was already 12 o'clock.

I went to my son and spoke to him in our own language. My son ate his food and went out to my car. Someone in the restaurant saw what happened, and she did not understand our language. She thought I did something wrong with my son but did not ask me anything. Instead, she went outside, called the police, and left. The police officer came and asked me and my son lots of questions. He didn't believe us and wanted to check the store video and call the owner, which he did. After that, he left. Two days later, he came back and asked my colleague some questions, and then he left and never come back.

I got a lot of experience about child minding rules. I respect the rules, but I am confused.