Winter 2015

Travel (Outside of Canada)

Disney Land Mickey and Minnie

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I went to Florida to meet my brother, Franklin and my niece, Valeria. They travelled there from Colombia.

My niece was so excited because it would be her first time going to Disney World to meet Mickey Mouse. Although the day we went to Magic Kingdom it was pouring a lot, we stayed until midnight to see the parade and the show was sensational. They presented "Hocus Pocus."

We also visited Saint Augustine. It was a surprise for us to see how that city looks like Càrtagena (a Colombian city). Saint Augustine was founded in 1565. It is the oldest American city. People say there is a lot of paranormal activity in some locations like The Castillo de San Marcos, the lighthouse, The Spanish Military Hospital and The Old Prison, among others, where many residents and visitors have experienced sounds, visions, shadows, voices, and captured orbs and ghosts when they took pictures or recorded videos. Some haunting movies have even been filmed in the lighthouse. We were only in that city for a short time, thus we couldn't prove it.

We had a tour of Daytona International Speedway. It was amazing to see a few racers training. That building is huge. We also were in Daytona Beach, just for a short while because the lifeguards asked us to leave the sea due to a thunderstorm. What a drag that was.

After nine days of rest, we returned to reality; however, the great time we had in Florida will be unforgettable.