Winter 2015


about me written on sticky notes

My name is Bayan, I’m originally from Palestine, but I was born in Jordan after my father was forced to move there . I grew up in a simple and fighting family consisting of ten kids, five boys and  five girls. I am the sixth child in my family with my twin sister Ala’a, This is where I learned to share everything. My family had a great impact on my personality .

I graduated from high school with excellent scores. Then I moved to another city far from my family to study at university. I  enrolled in chemical engineering. In the beginning things were very difficult because living far from my family required a lot of self reliance,  but things soon improved . My five years at university were some of the greatest years of my life either because of  the wonderful friends I met there or all the special memories during my studies. All of these experiences had a great impact on who I am now. They encouraged me  to be more responsible, confident, pleased and hopeful.

In 2008,  I met my lovely husband through family friends.  We got married in 2009. My husband was an associate professor in physics. He was sweet and gentle and always encouraged me to persevere.  He supported me with all my decisions. We shared all of our things and the future of our children .

We are blessed with three children: two boys and  one girl. My first child is Hamza almost  eight years old The second is my five year old daughter Maryam. And the third who was born here in Canada in February 2017 is Adam. Family life is a priority to me. When you become a mother your priorities are 100 percent different .

I worked as a math teacher for six years, I found myself in teaching. I have a passion and love for this profession. Maybe because I have been creative in mathematics since childhood.  I believe that teaching and education are one of the best and greatest professions. You give without limits, without fatigue, and without boredom. You give because you love to give, to help, to make other people better, more successful, more tender, and prepared to serve their community .   

My move to live in Canada was one of the hardest decisions I have made. Moving to a different place meant being away from my family and my friends and my job, but I’m sure the  the future will be better for me and for my kids, because Canada is a beautiful country open and respectful of everyone.