Winter 2015


canada flag with hands forming heart over top

When talking to my friends and family about Canada, I describe it as a very beautiful country where one can enjoy all four seasons. If someone is in love with nature, they should visit Canada to explore the beautiful mountains, tress, rivers, lakes and the blue sky in spring and summer takes away the heart of a person.

Sharing and expanding on my love for this country, I tell them that Canada is one of the most peaceful countries around the world. Being in Canada feels just like you’re at your home country, where you can feel free to express your thoughts, practice your own religion and enjoy all this wonderful country has to offer. It is such a polite country that it welcomes people of all other nations. Canada is also known as a multicultural nation because almost everyone in Canada are immigrants or second generation. A lot of help, opportunities, benefits and healthcare is giving to the people living in Canada especially newcomers, to help them settled down and live their lives peacefully.

While talking to my friends about the people of Canada, I tell them that despite their different cultures and different languages they are respectful, kind, helpful and friendly which makes you feel like you are sitting among your own family members. In conclusion, I honestly think that it is a great place to live, work and enjoy your life, and I am happy that I got the opportunity to live in this beautiful country.