Winter 2015


Israel ball with graduation cap

The education system of Canada consists of three phases: elementary school, middle school, and high school. Similarly, Israeli educational system has three tiers: primary education (grades 1-6, approx. ages 6–12), middle school (grades 7-9, approx. ages 12–15) and high school (grades 10-12, approx. ages 15–18). Compulsory education in Israel takes place from Kindergarten through to 12th grade. Likewise, Canadian education system starts with Kindergarten until grade 12.

The Kindergarten in Canada is part of the elementary school. However, in Israel, a Kindergarten is a separate unit of public education for the ages of 3 to 6.

Both Canadian and Israeli children are legally required to attend school from September to June. Canadian children’s study starts Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., but Israeli children’s study starts from Sunday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and in Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

In Israel, there are religious schools like in Canada. And alike the Catholic schools are publicly-funded in Canada, the Yeshivas (a Jewish institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts, primarily the Talmud and the Torah), are publicly-funded in Israel.

It is similar that the study of French predominates in French Immersion schooling, in Israel, in many schools, Arabic predominates.

In the same way as homeschooling is possible in Canada, it is possible in Israel. But it is also rare.

The post-secondary education in Canada is similar to post-secondary education in Israel: universities and colleges, like universities elsewhere in the world. In Canada, after graduating high school, teenagers proceed to enroll in college or university. In contrast, Israeli teenagers enroll universities or college only after serving in the army.

In Canada degrees are sorted into three basic tiers like in Israel: Bachelor’s (BA), Master’s (MA), and Doctorate (PhD).

Even though because of rising incomes in Canada and new student loan programs have made post-secondary education far more affordable, in Israel the post-secondary education is still cheaper.