Winter 2015


Summer prairie scenery.

Mongolia is the eighteenth largest country by its area. It's located on the South of Russia and the North of China. Mongolia has about three million people. The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar. 1.5 million people live in Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolia has a great history, wild beautiful nature and has an old nomadic lifestyle. The national language is Mongolian. We have four seasons, and forests on the north, Gobi desert on the south, mountain on the west and flat steppe on the left side of the country. The climate is mostly sunny with less precipitation. The leader of the parliament is a Prime Minister but also has President as a symbol and the commander of the National Army. The main religion is Buddhism and Shamanism.

Most parts of the country is still wild, untouched, and the people are friendly to tourists. I'd suggest to tourists who are traveling to Mongolia, to see the wild nature, nomadic lifestyle and mixed landscaping. Countryside people also called nomads are extremely polite and welcoming people. They don't even hesitate to help others and bring everyone to their homes.

North of the country, we have Dukhas which are people whose have reindeer and are nomadic reindeer herdsmen.  Visiting the Dukhas is very special and an unforgettable experience.   Because their life style is surviving the harsh weather, changing the location according to the season, teaching their little toddlers to ride reindeers are something admirable.

Every Mongolian is very proud of their history and culture. Mongolians are very nationalistic people. Since birth, they love and admire their birthplace, family, country and culture.  Many people think Lunar New Year is a Chinese Holiday but it's not because it’s an Asian holiday.  Also. most people think Mongolians can speak Chinese. They don't speak Chinese. It's a very big insult to Mongolian people.

Because of Mongolian Nationalist character many Mongolian men don't like women who married foreigners, but no harm is done to them; they just don't appreciate those women who married foreigners and think those women didn't keep the tradition, which, I think, is very wrong.

Historical heritage approved first government ruled country was ancient Mongolia and they first used money as payment.  The world's first National park was recorded in Mongolia in the 1700s.   The world's first full dinosaur archaeology treasure was found in the Mongolian Gobi desert.

The biggest holidays of Mongolia are Lunar New Year and Naadam. During Lunar New Year people visit to the oldest member of the family and eat lots of traditional meal and drink mare's milk traditional beverage. For Naadam, which is summer holiday, from 11th of July to 13th of July.  We call this holiday as three males holiday. Because in ancient times this holiday competition had only male sex, horse and men. There are six stages of horse racing, wrestling and archery. Nowadays an archer can be a woman. Because in wrestling, the costume is open this is why no women can join in this competition.

Education system is 12 years in secondary school and 4 to 6 years in university. Depends on the education, it can be extended.

If you like to travel to Mongolia, you must see the Mongolian steppe, nomads, archaeology museums, monasteries and wild nature. Some place in Mongolia you can see the sunrise from the ground and sunset to the ground too or hiking over the sharp mountains or you can live in a nomad's gers (yurt), which is a portable round tent covered with tents.