Winter 2015


The embankment at sunset, Port-Louis- capital of Mauritius

Mauritius is an island located in the Indian Ocean east of south Africa. Nowadays the population is around 1 500 000. The capital is called Port Louis. The island was first colonised by the Dutch in the 15th century then by the French in the early 17th century, after that by the British in the 1800s. The famous Dodo is one of the biggest birds, about 50 pounds, was exterminated during the 16th Century. Mauritius obtained its independence on the 12th of March 1968. There are only two seasons, summer and winter. The joyful New Year is marked by the remarkable red flowers of the tropical Flamboyant tree during the summer. Sugarcane is the main source of the economy. Mauritius is a multicultural society where Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, Christian and other religions live together in harmony. Everybody respects each other irrespective of age and religion. More than 1,000,000 tourists visit the island each year for its lovely beaches, seven coloured earth and also they liked to make a stop to the capital named Port Louis. Many of the historical architecture are found there and new ones have been constructed to modernise the city like the Caudan Waterfront. Many Mauritians like to go there to relax during the weekend. There are lots of restaurants in Mauritius with specific specialities like Briani, Chinese foods and others but going to Port Louis without eating the famous Dholl -Puri and drinking the Aloouda is like going to a race without watching the horse running. That basic continuous art of living with a multicultural society has been transmitted from generation to generation and I wish that continues forever.