Winter 2015


One year old baby lying in bed holding a plush teddy bear

The biggest lesson I have learned came from this situation. My daughter Sissel was not able to turn over when she was four months old. So I usually put her on a full size bed in our living room and then got diapers or something else which were placed within two meters from her. One day, when I was making dinner my husband did the same thing as me. He had barely got the diaper and both of us heard a big noise. Yes, Sissel fell out the bed and bumped her head! Fortunately, the bed is barely 20 centimeters high. At that moment, I realized I have been putting her at the risk for months. We took her to see the doctor and were given a long lecture about baby safety. From then on, I put her either in her crib or on the ground even if I left her one second.