Winter 2015


Betta fish, siamese fighting fish, betta splendens isolated on black background

Traditional conviction that fish is the-easiest-to-have pet is quite popular, but not as approved by real fish owners. Passion for building good friendships without complicated commitments inspired owners to build excellent environments for coexistence and interaction with their little friends. But experience shows that it's hard to establish and maintain a right environment for fish that they react quickly and dramatically to any little changes. Moreover, fish live their own life ignoring their owner. However, fish constantly attract the attention of other pets, and their protection becomes the main duty and headache of the owner.

Practice shows that good environmental conditions are individual for every fish, even among the same species. Fish react differently to different brightness, and need it constantly changed as day and night light. Also fish react to weather changes. Temperature in an aquarium should be constantly regulated and adjusted with any outside changes. Last but not least, there are complications with maintaining a constant water ecosystem with a particular amount of minerals and oxygen, fresh enough to keep the fish healthy. Unfortunately, fish react to any changes quickly and dramatically.

Next problem is interaction. Fish become sick when alone; nevertheless, fish may not be able to communicate with other fish, or might even harm each other. A big disappointment for a fish owner is the fact that fish don't have any contact with their owner. Moreover, fish absolutely ignore their owner's attempts to communicate. Also, it's almost impossible to build a friendly community among fish owners to share joy, time and experience. Such pet communities are usually built on a friendship and communication between both pets and owners, which is inapplicable for fish and fish owners.

In spite of their ignorance to any living thing outside their aquarium, fish are extremely dependant on their owners, and need constant protection. Fish are not self-aware of what they eat and how healthy their food is. They easily get sick and are hard to treat. Moreover, other domestic pets hunt fish.

In conclusion, having a fish as a pet is full of disadvantages and disappointments. Even though I really love underwater castles and ships with treasures, and a beautifully designed aquarium can be the main feature of interior design, I'd think twice before owning a fish.