Winter 2015


Tiramisu on white plate topped with blueberries and raspberries and chocolate drizzle. Fork on plate


  • 1 tablespoon of Nescafé
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 boxes of regular tea biscuits
  • ½ can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 package dream whip
  • ½ tablespoon vanilla
  • ½ container of cream cheese
  • 1 can cream product 23%


  1. Prepare a glass container size 22 / 33 cm
  2. add a cup of milk you had prepared before and put the Nescafe in the milk, then stir them very well.
  3. bring biscuits and dip them into the milk and Nescafe mixture.
  4. spread biscuits in the glass container.
  5. in a blender put all the remaining ingredients and blend them very well to give a heavy texture.
  6. Then put part of the mixture over the dipped biscuits and repeat until you finish the quantity,
  7. Then put some fruit such as strawberries and chocolate to give a beautiful shape.
  8. put it in the refrigerator for less than three hours until set, serve it with fruit. It is very beautiful especially in summer. Yummy yummy.