Winter 2015


Suji dish on clear plate topped with raisins and decorative garnish


  • Suji (Semolina) 1cup
  • Butter (Half slab) 1 cup
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 regular can
  • Milk as needed (as explained in the directions).
  • Eggs 4 (beat them well)


Place suji and butter in the pan and turn on the stove to medium flame and stir consistently. When the butter is all melted, add milk until the mixture is thin and somewhat watery. Stop adding more milk and lower the flame.

Now take the beaten eggs and add them slowly in the mixture. Whisk fast to make sure the mixture has no curdles and is nice and smooth. After that, add condensed milk and stir well. When the mixture thickens, take it out in a dish and garnish with almonds and pistachios. Serve or eat hot and enjoy!