Winter 2015


Chinese style glutinous rice balls served in a bowl with Chinese New Year decoration

Tangyuan is a very special sweet Chinese dessert that is usually served throughout Chinese New Year’ celebrations. The soft chewy white balls filled with delicious bean paste are thought to bring happiness and harmony to the whole family in the year to come.    



  • 2 cups of sticky rice powder
  • 1 ½ cups boiled warm water (30c)


  • 100g black sesame seeds
  • 50g   cooked mung beans
  • 50g   cooked red beans
  • 1 cup of icing sugar
  • ¼ cup of lard



  1. Grind sesame seeds, cooked beans, and red beans to create a paste
  2. Put the ground paste into a bowl
  3. Add oil and icing sugar
  4. Mix with wooden spoon until well blended   


In a separate bowl, combine sticky rice powder with warm water

Knead until smooth and elastic

With your fingers, separate dough into small round balls (approximately 10 grams each)

Tangyuan Balls:

Make a hole in the center, and fill with one tsp. of filling and seal closed

Fill a large pot with 1.5 L water and bring to boil

Carefully place the small Tangyuan balls into the boiling water.

Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally

Serves 3- 4 people