Winter 2015


Coronavirus disease COVID-19 virus infection in human lungs

The following is my experience with the Covid-19 virus. My daughter, son and I had planned a trip to see my parents in Lebanon. While there, my family and I caught the Covid-19 virus. It was a really scary time considering my parents have pre-existing conditions. Thankfully, my family and I recovered. For me, the virus felt like a pretty terrible flu. I was really exhausted all the time, but my main focus was taking care of my family regardless of what I was feeling.

I am going to talk about my journey with Covid 19 since many people get the virus but they don't admit it or talk about it. When my family and I got sick, we all got sick differently with varying symptoms and length of illness. For instance, my older brother: during the first few days he wasn't feeling so bad, but gradually the symptoms got worse. First was a tummy ache and severely bad pain, and then it elevated to a fever with difficulty breathing.

At this point I was so scared because the symptoms started to get more severe and it got into his chest which means it hit the lungs and it didn't sound good. He couldn't talk well, and he sounded very tired. At this point he needed to go the hospital urgently for help. He needed oxygen. Luckily the virus left him, but the damaged in the lungs stayed for longer and required more time to heal. Until now, he still on treatment.

Let's talk about me, my symptoms were like a very bad flu, but without coughing. Unfortunately, I did lose my sense of smell and taste and that took a while to come back. So, you can see it hits everyone differently. The best advice I can give is follow the government guidelines until we can all be safe again.