Winter 2015


Pencil crayons Ukraine flag colours

Since 2018, Ukrainian school education has been extended from 11 to 12 grades. Education in public schools is free and under the new system is compulsory until the 12th grade. However, students who started the old system can still leave school after 11th grade. Ukrainian schools include: pre-school education (ages 3-6), primary school (grades 1-4), middle school (grades 5-9), high school (grades 10-12) and higher education (universities and colleges). Higher education in Ukraine is public and private. I know very little about Canadian education. But I know that public schools here are free and include: pre-schools (ages 4 or 5), primary school (grades 1-6), secondary school (grades 7-8), high-school (grades 9 -12) and after post-secondary or higher education (universities and colleges). Almost all higher education is not free in Canada. In addition, I want to say that many rich Ukrainians send their children to study in Canada.