Winter 2015


mom and son at the beach

There are many people to be grateful for in life, parents, lovers, friends, teachers; however, I want to say I am grateful to have you, my son, for bringing me so much love and joy.

From the moment of pregnancy, I watched my belly get bigger day by day, and felt your growth day by day. When you punched and kicked in my belly, I felt the magic of a human being. The moment you were born, made me feel the inheritance of life.

I remember the first time you called me mama. I was feeding you an avocado. At first, I couldn’t believe it, so I hurriedly called my husband: "Hurry up, he's called mama, hurry up and record it." Then you actually yelled twice! I have watched this video over and over. Every time I look at it, I feel a little excited.

I remember when you were two years old. I was sitting in front of you when you were drinking some soup by yourself. Suddenly, you said:" Mama, my neck is wet." This was the first complete sentence from you, my son. The whole family laughed for a long time.

I still remember the first day when you went to daycare, you told me:" Mama, I can't bear to leave you, I will miss you."

I still remember you always being very happy and excited when I picked you up from daycare. You ran quickly to me and jumped on me.

Although sometimes you have caused me troubles, I am still grateful to you for letting me know wonderful things in my ordinary life.