Winter 2015


crochet stuffed animals

My experience with crocheting is great. I love to crochet. It is relaxing and calming. I feel like it's a stress reliever. I believe everyone should try it.

I enjoy making up my own ideas and styles like making handbags, blankets, winter hats, mitts, teddy bears and slippers.

I made many mistakes and learned from my mistakes on how to improve my work.

For example, I would be halfway on a blanket, and I would notice I skipped or doubled a stitch, I would take everything out and start again.

In the end you will feel good about all the hard work you have done, and you can enjoy it with family and friends.

I believe crochet is an art because you need to understand it, you also need to know how to make different stitches and be creative with your work.

How I got started in crocheting and how it is as a hobby.

I started to crochet when I was about 13 years old. I would sleep over at my Aunt's house and I would learn from her on how to crochet, but I couldn't figure out how to hold the yarn and the hook in my hands. I would try and fail over and over again. Until one day I got it and I made my first tablecloth. It took me months to finish. I told myself that's my first and my last crochet idea. It took a long time, and the yarn was expensive.

My Aunt is really good at crocheting. She inspired me with her work. She sells all her work to people that live near her. She makes white tablecloths with beautiful designs.

When I moved away from my Aunt, I didn't have anyone to push me to crochet so I let it go for years. I then started crocheting again at 36 years old.

I began with a winter hat, so I tried, and I was so happy that it was perfect, so I continued to make more winter hats but with different colours.

For my next idea, I had forgotten how to start a blanket, so I asked my mother-in-law for a refresher, and I finished that idea too. Since then, I have made so many different things like slipper socks, hats and mitts, different blankets, teddy bears, backpacks and more.

So, if you haven't tried crocheting then try it, it's fun. I do it to help me relax and as a hobby to be creative with different ideas.

I made a baby lamb, a baby dragon, and a baby teddy bear.

I hope you try it one day and enjoy it as much as I have.