Winter 2015


Child standing and cheering at a baseball game. Silhouette view from behind

Choosing a good role model has become a tough topic for most people. However, many people see choosing athletes as role models has many positive aspects for our young generation, while others oppose that. From my point, I believe that athletes make good role models because they carry personable characteristics such as discipline, talent and hard work. Moreover, they play a vital role in prospering our society.

At the beginning, the athletes are seen as great role models because of their hard work. They follow a strict strategy in their training, until they are fully prepared for their matches. Also, many athletes overcome many barriers and hurdles in their lives to get what they want to achieve. For example, Sadio Mane is a Senegalese professional footballer, who overcame a lot of obstacles in his life through hard work. He started from a street player with torn shoes to becoming a famous player in Liverpool.

Moreover, athletes can be considered as good role models because of their contribution in flourishing their community. Many of them encourage people and other celebrities to contribute in charity or fundraising. Also, hosting sporting events can boost tourism and revenue for their community as well as for their country.

On the other hand, many people believe that athletes do not represent good role models for our youth. As can be seen, some athletes demonstrate mischievous and inappropriate behaviour during their matches and also in their lives. For example, the famous incident that happened in 2018 between Sergio Ramos and Mo Salah which ended in causing dislocation of Salah shoulder. Unfortunately, not only Ramos but there are many other athletes who have hit or kicked their opponents which is unacceptable. This influences younger player to think that violence is acceptable.

In conclusion, the reasons for considering athletes to be good role models for future generations outweigh the negative aspects. Despite the unacceptable behavior of some athletes, they can still be excellent role models in terms of their hard work and effective contribution to the development of their society.