Winter 2015


Aerial view of christ and botafogo bay from high angle.

This is a short text about my home town, Tupã, Estate of São Paulo, Brazil.

I was born there in 1974. That is a small town, of about 60,000.00 people. The majority of my relatives lived there at that time, and it is a big family. I have many uncles, aunts, cousins, and also many friends. As it is a small city most people knew each other, which is good in my opinion. As before, nowadays, there are no industries and the economy is based on agriculture. My family has a rural property and I liked to go there because I had a horse, a white horse named “Silver”.

My house was near the school, on the same street and I could go to school by walking. My normal day was going to school in the morning, going back home and after lunch doing my homework, and then, going to play with my cousins and friends. Most of my friends studied at the same school, and we spent almost all days together, sometimes until the evening.

Our favorite activity was playing soccer and a bike racing, which many times caused some injuries, because the favorite place to do that was on a hill.

The main product traded was coffee, but actually there were many other products like corn, soy and peanuts sold there.

The city did not progress and most of the young people would leave the city after high school, because there were not many options for studying or for jobs.

I liked to live there, it was peaceful, calm, and the people were really friendly.

Most of my friends, like me, left the city, going after their dreams, but I still have many relatives living there nowadays, and I can I go there to visit always. That place gave me really good memories.