Winter 2015



Today I want to share some basic yet essential information about how to live a healthy, long life and how to keep your body and mind in good shape.

First of all, I’d like to mention that all the thoughts and tips I share here are based on my subjective opinion, personal experience, and some research. I strongly believe that being mentally and physically healthy is one of the most significant aspects of human life. Therefore, to stay healthy it’s necessary to follow simple principles.

Sometimes we may not realize how vital it is to be healthy, until we face serious health issues. I remember a long time ago when I was young, energetic, and full of life. It was hard to believe that after many years I wouldn’t be the same. I never thought seriously that my future well-being would be affected by the actions of my youth. In other words, I thought I would always be young and healthy.

Now I see the results of the lifestyle I had and choices I made back then. I would motivate everyone to invest in their health now as it will lead to greater results later. People say, “It’s better late than never”, but I would say it’s never late to start making changes, to make better choices, to treat yourself better and to be happier.

So, these basic tips will simply guide everyone who chooses to live healthier to prolong their life. Our body and mind sooner or later will respond to the way we treat them, so I believe there is always a chance to prevent health issues by taking good care of your health on a regular basis. And finally, to make it work the key is to follow all of the tips together. Here they are:

First, sleep well. In other words, get enough sleep. Give yourself time to rest and recharge during the night. Have a nap during the day if needed. Sleep is significant especially for the brain. Second, eat a healthy diet. We are what we eat. Third, eat less sugar. Too much sugar causes many kinds of diseases. Fourth, stay hydrated. Drink enough water. Our bodies are about 60% water, and our brain is 80% water. Fifth, exercise regularly. Life is motion. We’re alive when we keep moving. Any kind of exercise is useful, as long as it’s comfortable. Sixth, do not smoke. Smoking poisons lungs and kills them slowly. Lastly, do what makes you happy. Being happy is like good medicine for your body and mind. Happiness prolongs life.

In conclusion I would say, in order to live a longer and healthier life, it depends directly on personal choices made every day. I encourage everyone to make healthy choices and your body and mind will thank you.