Winter 2015


Snowy roads

One day in January, I went at Niagara College with my husband. We were looking for information about his future career. Everything was fine that day, however it was snowing, and the sky was looking too cloudy; everyone was scared about the weather. When we got some stuff, we went away from that place.

My husband was driving slowly, because the whole road was very dangerous. We wanted to go to the mall, but it became more difficult to drive. So then, we decided go home. Suddenly, the car started moving everywhere on the road. In this moment, we felt afraid; he couldn’t keep the control of the car with the steering wheel and then he shouted “Be careful, Love!” The car fell down in a ditch. It was very frightening! Immediately, he asked me if I had some injury or if I was hurt. But, I was fine and he was, too.

Fortunately, we both didn’t get injured in that car accident. After he called the CAA company, they said, “We will be there in one hour, because there are many accidents today.” We tried to get out of the car, but it was cold, so we preferred to stay and wait inside the car. I’m the kind of person, that if something wrong happens, I can see the best of the situation.

I can say that it was my lucky day, in winter, for many reasons. First, my children were at daycare when it happened. Second. there weren’t any injuries to our bodies, and third, many people came to us, and asked if everything was okay. It is very normal, in Canada, to find many kind people. Everyone was very worried when they saw our car. And one of them asked, how many hours have we been there? And we said, about 1 hour and-a-half, so, she went to buy us hot coffee, donuts and hand warmers. She was such an amazing person. I will always remember her face and humble heart. So, I can really say it was my lucky day in winter.