Winter 2015

Travel (Outside of Canada)

Historic buildings in the city centre of Tehran, Iran

How many of you have had a trip to a city with a variety of attractions for tourists? How many of you have seen many historical palaces belonging to an empire, mesmerizing museums and even a unique marketplace that offers something for everyone? And all of these attractions in just one city!

Nearly everybody likes to see plenty of attractions when they travel as tourists. And I promise you that by the time I’m finished, you will be a big fan of this city and feel passionate about going there.

As an Iranian who lived in Tehran her entire life, I visited most of these attractions over and over again.  And I cannot explain to you how excited I am when I talk about any of these fantastic features from my hometown.

I want to tell you how fascinating my hometown is and why it is really worth your while to visit it.  And to do this, I would like to highlight three attractions in this city: historical museums, beautiful palaces and the Tehran Grand Bazaar.

First, let’s consider the museums. One of the things that makes my hometown famous is its astonishing museums.  There is the Sa’d Abad Museum Complex which was a summer home for the Qajar dynasty.  It includes royal vehicles, military accessories, royal costumes and even royal tableware in the basement.

There is also the National Museum of Iran. While it is may not be the Louvre, this modest museum is full of Iran’s rich history like ceramics, pottery and mostly stone figures. And finally, there is the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. In a striking concrete modern building, this museum boasts an impressive collection of works by Picasso, Van Gogh and Matisse, amongst many others.

While these museums have proven to be historical signatures, the palaces that belonged to Persian Empires cannot be ignored.  Another magnet for tourism, they include the Masoudieh Palace which holds real importance of the historical period of the Qajar dynasty. Beautiful gardens and architecture makes this palace a must-see destination in Tehran.

Then there is the palace that is a UNESCO world heritage site, the Golestan Palace.  It is also fantastic, holding structures of 17 types including Takhte Marmar, Talare Aineh,  and Shams ol Emareh.

And let’s not overlook the Sa’d abad Palace, a widespread complex also built during the Qajar dynasty.  This complex is the home of many different museums, including the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Handicraft.

And finally, the last feature that I want to talk about is also ancient and filled with people every day. The Grand Bazaar, one of the biggest marketplaces in Tehran.  It too, makes my hometown a memorable tourist destination. This bazaar has a dark side that dominates, even during the day, with thousands of chambers and customers.  You can hear the enchanting voices of sellers welcoming their customers.   It is also considered the oldest mart in Tehran.

These three noticeable features that I just outlined make Tehran a premier tourist destination.  If you are a person whose passion is to travel to a historical city full of symbols from their ancestors, Tehran is the right place for you. With many significant tourist attractions like museums, Persian Empire palaces and the Grand Bazaar, Tehran should not be overlooked by tourists.